Preparing yourself to sit for the examinations is sometimes like preparing yourself to break the news of your report card results to your parents. You breakdown the various sections of how you want to approach your parents, what are you going to say first, assess the mood of your parents and then break the news to them. Work on improving and putting more effort in the process so that you could obtain better results the next time. Make every effort to be at peace with your parents as they are one of the key supporters towards your education and future. Similarly in preparing for PSLE English, break down how you want to approach in the preparation process.
Know What You Will Be Tested
Before preparation, you need to know what are the areas to prepare. You can simply pile up all the textbooks for the past six years and start read and revising. But knowing what you will be tested in the English PSLE paper should allow you to identify what you want to prepare. So pick up locate the Primary Five School Circular informing all students and parents what is expected of the coming Semestral Assessment. In this circular you will find the tabulated information sheet showing what you will be tested which is listed below.
Know the Components of PSLE English
1. Oral (30 Marks)
- Reading Aloud A Passage
- Picture Discussion
- Conversation
2. Listening Comprehension (20 Marks)
- Picture Matching
- Listening to various situations
and answer multiple choice questions (MCQ)
3. Language Paper I
- Situational Writing (15 Marks)
- Continuous Writing - Picture or Situational Composition
(40 Marks)
4. Language Paper II
- Booklet A: Multiple Choice Questions (30 Marks)
> Graphic Stimulus 05 Marks
> Grammer & Punctuation 10 Marks
> Vocabulary 10 Marks
> Reading Comprehension 05 Marks
- Boolet B: Fill in the Blanks (65 Marks)
> Grammar Cloze 10 Marks
> Spelling Punctuation Grammar 10 Marks
> Comprehension Cloze 15 Marks
> Synthesis & Transformation 10 Marks
> Reading Comprehension 20 Marks
Total Marks (200 Marks)
The marks are indicated just for your reference. There may be slight difference for future papers, but they serve as a guide for your preparation work.
Know Your Areas of Strengths and Weaknesses
With the assessment components listed out, it is now important to identify which area you need more attention and which you need to simply continue to improve. If you have difficulty making an assessment, try purchasing a sample past year PSLE English paper from any neighborhood bookstore or from Popular bookstore. Then make an attempt on your own to complete the entire paper. You could recruit your friends or classmates or your parents to help you out on the Oral component. Once completed, mark on your own and identify which components you are strong and which are your weaker components.
Know Your Resources and Seek Them Out
Sitting down with your friends or parents, list down the resources you need to help you on the components of the PSLE English paper. The following is not exhaustive:
1. English Guidebooks i.e. Preston for Lower and Upper levels
2. Topical or Focus Test Papers i.e. Comprehension Cloze
3. Primary Six Model Compositions
4. Your Parents, Uncles and Aunts
5. English Teachers
6. Tuition Teachers
7. Enrichment Classes
8. Your Classmates
After listing out the above, depending on your budget, seek them out. In order to improve, make every effort to do your homework, read up and ask questions when you are not sure or in doubt. In this way, you will surely improve your way to better grades in PSLE English. You may never know that in your pursuit which takes discipline and sacrifice, you may lead others to follow your footsteps. Form a group study and work hard together towards a common goal.
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